general adj. (opp. special) 1.一般的,综合的,通用的。 2.普通的,广泛的,通常的。 3.全体的,总的;全面的,普遍的;概括的,大概的,大体的,笼统的;简略的。 4.【陆军】将官级的。 5.〔用于职衔后〕总…,…长。 the general affair 总务。 the general opinion 一般舆论。 a general attack 总攻击,全面进攻。 general knowledge 一般知识,常识。 a general meeting 大会,全会。 general principles 原则,总则,通则。 a general outline 大纲,概要。 the general programme 总纲。 the general public 公众,大众。 general readers 一般读者。 the general welfare 公共福利。 a general war 全面战争。 a general rainfall 普遍降雨。 a general verdict 【法律】一般评决。 the Attorney G- (美国的)司法部长,(英国的)总检查长。 consul general总领事。 secretary-general 秘书长。 as a general rule 原则上,一般地说。 for the general good 为公益。 in a general way 一般说来。 n. 1.〔英、美〕陆军[空军]上将,将军。 2.战略[战术]家。 3.【宗教】会长,团长。 (救世军的)最高司令。 4.〔the general〕 〔古语〕一般,全体,全面 (opp. particular) 〔古语〕一般人,庶民。 5.〔主 pl.〕通则,一般原则 (opp. particulars). 6.〔英口〕勤杂员。 G- of the air force 〔美军〕空军五星上将。 G- of the Armies 【美军】三军五星上将,三军元帅〔1919年美国给珀辛 (J.J.Pershing) 授的特别军衔〕。 G- of the army 【美军】陆军五星上将。 in general 一般;大体上(people in general普通老百姓)。 in the general 概括的说;全面;普通。
The macroscopic tactics are the general orientation and the microcosmic tactics pay more attentions to the practicability and flexibility 宏观策略是大方向、大趋势,微观对策则注重实用性与灵活性,二者相互作用,缺一不可。
A two - stages orientation of object has been developed , which is general orientation firstly , then from this orientation point expanding to search the edge of the objective region . it can ge the center of the image after extracting the image edge . this method can greatly reduce the computer quantity of the feature extract and stereo matching and then improve the speed of recognition 提出并实现了分阶段定位策略,即先宏观粗定位,然后从从该点出发向外扩张寻求目标区域的边缘轮廓,提取到图象的边缘后,再获取图象形心,该方法大大减小了特征提取和立体匹配的计算量,提高了识别速度。
Future regional economy policy has five general orientations : confirming the legal localization , limiting the government authority , safeguarding the policy implementation , promoting the coordination of benefit and implementing protection development , so as to set up the concept of economical coordinated development coordinating with the regional economy development , the sustainable coordinated development and the scientific development 未来区域经济政策的走向主要包括:明确法律定位、限制政府权力、保障政策实施、促进利益协调、实施保护性开发这五个大方向,树立区域经济发展与可持续发展、科学发展相统一的经济协调发展观。
This article expatiates on significance and necessity of across cultural management , takes research on the comprehensions , characters , models of across cultural management " theories , analyses the foreign - capital and the joint - venture enterprises " management conditions , approaches that the goal of chinese enterprises management is to establish our own across cultural management model . to found the common management culture in the foreign capital and the joint - venture enterprise . this is development target and the general orientation in our country enterprise management 本文阐述了企业进行跨文化管理的重要性和必要性,探讨了跨文化管理的内涵、特征、模式等一系列相关理论问题,并分析了在华外资及合资企业管理现状及存在问题的基础上提出了相应的对策建议,指出外资和合资企业必须抓住机遇,迎接挑战,努力构建适合我国国情的中西合璧的共同管理文化,这是今后在华外资及合资企业管理发展的目标和方向,对跨文化管理的进一步探讨将具有重要的理论和现实意义。